241) Israel Under Pressure

“we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we despaired even of life:” (II Corinthians 1:8)

As detailed in the post Chastening Agents Don’t Change, God uses the world empires to drive his people back to his kingdom, one after another as each collapses under its own weight of self-indulgence.

American Christians need to rethink the automatic assumption that political alliance with the Jews is blessed by God. On the contrary, biblical prophecy past and future state that every secular political alliance with the nation of Israel invariably leads to betrayal and the downfall of both Israel and the betraying nation.

Just look at recent U.S. political activity in the region.

In the wake of the Industrial Revolution’s total dependence on oil, the Ottoman Empire had no shortage of potential partners. The industrialized countries were eager to strike political deals to assure access to the vast oil fields in the Middle East. Prior to WWI. At this time Germany was the strongest Western power, and the Ottoman–German Alliance between the German Empire and the Ottoman Empire was ratified on August 2, 1914 after the outbreak of World War I to strengthen the ailing Ottoman military and provide Germany safe passage into neighboring British colonies.

As it turned out, the Ottomans backed the wrong horse. The American late entrance into the war turned the tide.

On the eve of the First World War, the Ottoman Empire was in ruinous shape. Talat Paşa, the Minister of Interior, wrote in his memoirs: “Turkey needed to join one of the country groups so that it could organize its domestic administration, strengthen and maintain its commerce and industry, expand its railroads, in short to survive and to preserve its existence.”

The 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement divided former Ottoman territory into British and French spoils of war.


As per standard practice to reimburse the costs of mercenary services, in this case the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire, the 1916-1918 Husayn-McMahon Correspondence  granted Sherif Husayn (Hussein) of Mecca, Arab control over the whole of areas to be liberated from Turkey, except an area to the West of Syria (later split off to create French-mandated Lebanon) defined as follows:


At the same time, the 1917 British government’s Balfour Declaration promised the World Zionists a “national home” in Palestine in exchange for activism in engaging their national bastions – Russia and America – as England’s allies in WWI. Recall that at this time Russia was embroiled in a massive civil war and America was isolationist. 


After WWI the League of Nations duly granted Britain the pre-arranged Mandate for Palestine. Note, a mandate is authority granted by a constituency to act as its representative, i.e. the constituency is the League of Nations. The mandates in themselves constituted a betrayal of promises for independence to the Arab nations. Worse yet, the Palestinian mandate included not just the current inhabitants but “international society” as well, non-inhabitants, i.e. supported immigration from the Western nations of Zionist Jews. This not only paid off the Zionists for support in WWI but also transferred the burden of reparations, for two thousand years of European persecution culminating in the Holocaust, from Europeans to Middle Easterners, as under the terms of the mandate Britain consolidated its hold on the oil wealth of the Arab nations by openly facilitating a political, administrative and economic invasion and occupation of foreign overlords into mandate territories.  

The Great Arab Revolt of 1916 opposed British permission of a massive influx of Jews into their land, so the British decreed that Custodianship of Jerusalem’s Islamic and Christian Holy Sites, would remain in the custody of the Hashemite family under H.M. Sharif Hussein bin Ali, the leader of the revolt, and it remains until this day [2024).

Think about it rationally. How would Americans respond to Russia facilitating a massive transfer of Chinese into the greater part of America? We have on record the response of Americans to the influx of Hispanics. The Great Wall of Texas.

The Balfour Declaration (“Balfour’s promise” in Arabic) was a public pledge by Britain in 1917 declaring its aim to establish “a national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine…included in the terms of the British Mandate for Palestine after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.

The question of why the Balfour Declaration was issued has been a subject of debate for decades…

In mainstream academia, however, there are a set of reasons over which there is a general consensus:

  • Control over Palestine was a strategic imperial interest to keep Egypt and the Suez Canal within Britain’s sphere of influence
  • Britain had to side with the Zionists to rally support among Jews in the United States and Russia, hoping they could encourage their governments to stay in the war until victory…

While Britain is generally held responsible for the Balfour Declaration, it is important to note that the statement would not have been made without prior approval…[from] President Wilson…Arthur Balfour confirming that Wilson was “extremely favourable to the movement”.

Former US President Harry Truman was the first world leader to recognise Israel when it was created in 1948… right after World War II, when the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union was taking shape.

The Middle East, with its oil reserves and strategic waterways (think the Suez Canal) was a key battleground for superpower hegemonic influence. The US was taking over from severely weakened European powers as the primary western power broker in the Middle East.

“The king of the north shall come…And after the league made with him [the king of the south] he shall work deceitfully: for he shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people. He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.” (Daniel 11:13-24)

The breakup of the Ottoman empire created the opportunity for local rulers to seize power, and the players rushed to join sides with the new kid on the block faster than my 5th grade baseball team at recess.

Saudia Arabia

Beginning in 1902 Abdulaziz Ibn Saud had been fighting his way up the political ladder the old fashioned way, uniting regions of Arabia into a single state with his Ikhwan (Arabic for brothers), an Islamic religious militia. Made up of rough-living Bedouins dedicated to the purification and the unification of Islam, cosmopolitan Ottoman society was uprooted, and Wahhabi culture was imposed as compulsory social order. He was so successful in seizing control of much of the Arabian Peninsula that he was able to make a politically advantageous arrangement with the Ottoman Empire during WWI. 

A rival chieftain, Hussein bin Ali, the sharif of Mecca and ruler of the state of Hejaz, used the opportunity to outbid Abdulaziz for regional power by making an alliance with the British. He recruited and led an Arab revolt against the Ottoman Empire on the promise of being rewarded a kingdom stretching from Syria to Yemen by the successful conclusion of WWI. 

Hussein could deliver manpower, but who could deliver oil?

Shortly after WWI Abdulaziz Ibn Saud met with a mining engineer who was convinced that much oil would be found throughout his territory. Just as they would do in the next decade while debating an alliance with Germany, the autocratic British monarchy practiced appeasement while Abdulaziz invaded and incorporated  Hussein’s Hejaz. The British recognized Abdul-Aziz’s independent realm with agreed-upon boundaries.

When Abdulaziz’ powerful Ikhwan pressed him to continue their jihad into British-held Arab territory he established his political boundaries by massacring the troops who raised him to power. In return, the British granted Abdulaziz Ibn Saud a kingdom within their Empire, thereby providing assurances of protection by the British.

Contrary to the declared aims of establishing self-determination of the peoples freed from the Ottoman Empire’s control, Saudi Arabia was not set up as a democracy. Named after the ruling / owning family, Saudi Arabia possesses and controls Mecca and Medina, the two holiest places in Islam, rendering the kingdom the highest religious status in the Moslem world.

After decades of Western friendships and decadence, the corrupt Saudi regime needed to shore up respectability and acceptance by the people, so in 1962 the it established the Muslim World League to promote the spread of Islam. However, Islamic religious leaders are demanding much more – greater and more comprehensive implementation of Sharīʿah in Saudi society and breaking the monarchy’s ties with the West.

Not to fear. Any potential trouble-making against the West was certainly prevented by The 33 Strategies of War including the oldy but goody – “A kingdom divided against itself cannot stand”.

League with Iran.

In 1953, the Iranian coup d’état, engineered by the United States and the Western Bloc, set up Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi to rule in favor of Western interests against the Iranian peoples’, leading to the arrest and exile of opposition leader Ayatollah Khomeini in 1964. By 1978, strikes and demonstrations paralyzed the country, and the Ayatollah returned to establish an Islamic state.


In response the U.S. attempted to forge a stronger alliance with Iraq by defending them against Iran’s jihad. At this same time Prime Minister Qasim invited exiled Kurdish leader Mustafa Barzani to return to Iraq in return for his political support to carve out an independent Kurdistan from Iraq’s control. When the politician reneged on his promise Barzani began what became known as the “First” Kurdish Iraqi War, lasting from 1961 until 1970 , during which 80% of the Iraqi army was engaged in combat with the Kurds.

In 2003 the United States–led Western coalition invaded Iraq using the Taking Offensive section of war strategy: “find moral justifications for amoral behaviors.”

  • The Bush administration claimed that Iraq had a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) program, and that Iraq posed a threat to the United States and its allies. No stockpiles of WMDs or an active WMD program were ever found.
  • Some US officials falsely accused Saddam of harbouring and supporting the terrorist group al-Qaeda which was blamed for 9/11. In 2004, the 9/11 Commission said there was no evidence of an operational relationship between the Saddam Hussein regime and al-Qaeda.
  • The rationale for war faced heavy criticism both domestically and internationally.
    • Kofi Annan of the United Nations called the invasion illegal, under international law it violated the UN Charter.
    • The Chilcot Report, a British inquiry into its decision to go to war published in 2016 concluded that peaceful alternatives to war had not been exhausted,
    • that the United Kingdom and the United States had undermined the authority of the United Nations Security Council,
    • that the process of identifying the legal basis was “far from satisfactory”,
    • and that the war was unnecessary.

Iraq held multi-party elections in 2005…The al-Maliki government enacted policies that alienated the country’s previously dominant Sunni minority and worsened sectarian tensions, changing the invasion to an occupation that lasted until 2011.

In the 2020’s the disastrous occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and the failure to achieve Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts have reduced the United States’ commitment to the region, creating a vacuum filled by countries like China, Russia, and Turkey. At the same time, regional powers—namely Iran and Saudi Arabia—back rival governments and armed groups in their escalating competition for regional dominance, inflaming the Middle East’s already-fragile political situation.

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